pop quiz
Get ready to test your eyecare and practice management knowledge
1 Match the three materials with these three brands of contact lenses.
A) Acuvue Oasys |
1) Lotrafilcon |
B) Biofinity |
2) Senofilcon |
C) Air Optix Aqua |
3) Comfilcon |
2 What was the first commercially available hydrogel contact lens in the U.S.?
A) Bausch + Lomb SofLens
B) Wesley Jessen Gentle Touch
C) Hydron Proactive
3 How many millions of contact lenses were sold in the United States in 2013?
A) 27 million
B) 37 million
C) 47 million
4 A 46-year-old computer engineer comes in for an exam. His manifest prescription is +0.25 sph with a +1.25 add OU with right eye being dominant. He reports that he doesn’t want to wear glasses full time. What would you do?
A) Fit him in +0.25 Sph OD +1.50 OS
B) +0.25 /+1.50 D Multifocal contact lens
C) Prescribe +1.25 readers
5 As you increase the diameter of an RGP lens, you must _________ the base curve.
A) Increase
B) Decrease
C) Don’t change the base curve

6 In what year was the first plastic contact lens introduced?
A) 1939
B) 1947
C) 1955
7 What is the single biggest reason for contact lens dropout?
A) Refractive surgery
B) Dry eye
C) Cost
8 Who was the first U.S. president to wear contact lenses?
A) John F. Kennedy
B) Ronald Reagan
C) Theodore Roosevelt
1. A2,B3,C1; 2. Bausch + Lomb SofLens; 3. 37 million; 4. +0.25 /+1.50 D Multifocal Contact Lens; 5. Decrease; 6. 1939 7. Dry Eye; 8. Ronald Reagan
• Three or fewer correct answers:
Time for some much-needed CE
• Four correct answers:
You squeaked by
• Five correct answers:
You have a decent grasp on contact lenses
• Six correct answers:
Close, but no cigar
• Seven or eight correct answers:
You’re the champ! Time to pop some CL solution and celebrate!