Practice Tip: Bolster the tear film for successful contact lens wear
It’s no secret that many patients present due to an inability to continue contact lens wear for as many hours as they would like because they have dry eye disease. So, the question becomes, “How can ODs strengthen the tear film to allow for comfortable and therefore, longer wear? In this month’s “Dry Eye” column, Pamela Theriot, OD, FAAO, answers this question. One piece of advice: Prescribe one or more medications to increase these patients’ tear volume. “If any portion of the lacrimal functional unit is compromised, lacrimal gland support to the ocular surface is impeded,” writes Dr. Theriot. Read more
Arch Crown’s Op-Tag catalog available for 2025
Arch Crown’s Op-Tag catalog is now available for 2025. Specifically, the catalog is comprised of 40 pages containing more than 100 styles of stock, pre-printed, and custom-printed Op-Tags and labels and a full line of barcode technology products, according to a press release. For free samples and the new catalog, call (800) 526-8353 or visit www.ArchCrown.com.

Coburn Technologies launches tabletop optical lens spin coater
Coburn Technologies launched the Velocity TT, a tabletop optical lens spin coater. Specifically, it includes a loading station for two lenses, a washing station, and a curing station. Additionally, the Velocity TT coats with All Solids (100% Solids) coatings, processing two lenses in just two minutes (a throughput of 50 lenses per hour), according to a press release. Further, the device ensures consistent spin speeds for uniform coating without requiring calibration. For more information, visit www.coburntechnologies.com, call (800) 262-8761, or email CustomerCareCenter@coburntechnologies.com.
MeiraGTx gets FDA’s Rare Pediatric Disease Designation for leber congenital amaurosis program
MeiraGTx received the FDA’s Rare Pediatric Disease Designation (RPDD) for its AAV8-RK-RetGC program for the treatment of Leber congenital amaurosis due to GUCY2D mutations (LCA1). The FDA may grant an RPDD to drugs and biologics intended to treat certain orphan diseases affecting fewer than 200,000 patients in the United States, according to the press release. For more information, visit www.meiragtx.com.
Prevent Blindness receives $9.7M gift
Prevent Blindness received a $9.7 million donation from the estate of Pamela Behrens, a long-time Florida resident and previous Prevent Blindness donor. This is the largest in the organization’s 117-year history, according to a press release. The donation will support the mission of preventing blindness and preserving sight for all U.S. residents and the commitment to being an active partner on the global stage.
Bifocal Lenses in Nearsighted Kids 2 study supports multifocal lens wear
Data from the Bifocal Lenses in Nearsighted Kids 2 (BLINK2) study, published in JAMA Ophthalmology, titled “Axial Growth and Myopia Progression After Discontinuing Soft Multifocal Contact Lens Wear,” supports multifocal lens wear. Specifically, the study found no evidence of a loss of treatment effect after multifocal contact lens wear discontinuation in older teenagers. Eye growth and myopia progression returned to faster but age-expected rates and support the continued use of multifocal lenses until cessation of elongation and progression. Read the study in full on here.
Topcon appoints new VP of technology innovation and incubation
Topcon Healthcare named Dr. Tilman Otto as vice president of Technology Innovation and Incubation. In this role, Dr. Otto will be shaping the next generation of technology solutions to support Topcon’s Healthcare from the Eye initiative, according to a press release.

Vision Council report shows $68.3 billion growth in U.S. optical industry
The Vision Council’s latest Market inSights report, which analyzed U.S. optical industry performance during 2024, reveals that the optical industry achieved a total market value of $68.3 billion, growing 2.7% from 2023, according to a press release. Glasses lenses led the prescription category at $17.2 billion, and plano sunglasses dominated the non-prescription category at $17.8 billion in sales. Members of The Vision Council can access this report at no cost through their Member Portal. Non-members can purchase the report directly here.
Visioneering Technologies presents data on multifocal contact lens
Visioneering Technologies Inc., maker of NaturalVue Multifocal 1 Day Contact Lenses, announced promising data at the 2025 Global Specialty Lens Symposium. Specifically, in a poster on the company’s ongoing PROTECT study, titled “Evaluation of Visual Acuity With Multifocal Catenary Curve-based Contact Lens Design in Different Degrees of Astigmatism,” the NaturalVue Multifocal lens astigmatism correction of up to 2.00 D was validated. NaturalVue Multifocal can correct an extensive range of astigmatism by enabling both meridians to focus simultaneously due to its patented extended depth of focus design, according to a press release. OM